Let’s Talk Race

“Your” President did what today?!  Why are some so surprised as if they expect him to get this behavior out of his system and be ok?  It is ONLY going to get worse.  Of all people, Trump is definitely not going to change for the better.  Every single person around him, he knows, can be bought.  Living proof money makes the world go round, and you can even be U.S. President.

Moving on…

For now…  lol

Alright, time for me to tackle the issue on race, PUBLICLY. Or via blog, rather.

FIRST, let me say, Please Please PLEASE do no turn a blind eye or add to the ignorance. There IS an issue, that is now, FINALLY being addressed. THAT is the good thing. As a man of color, we have lived for long as we have been on this continent, in a world that MOST can’t fathom, because we NEVER talk about it. It has been our way of life, so we just go on like normal, not pushing the issue. I truly heartfeltly appreciate all those who are not of color, who are standing up along side us and saying it’s time for a change. That is the BEST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN for all of us. Thank you, thank you, thank you! If you are against those who would kneel, or tug at the issue to and rather everyone just be silent, or stand up, or resume what our life was…. You are adding to the problem, PERIOD. Let the talk continue. Let the change happen. It’s too late to go back now, so please open your mind and show support for a positive resolution. No matter what you think, the issue is here, front and center, and now IS the time to stand behind TRUE equality for All.  Those athletes and celebrities have a voice in a world where, unfortunately, more people clearly listen to money and the famous.

Our national anthem was written by a man who owned slaves. So when it was written, he was not even talking about anyone of color!!!!! Think about that. It is ZERO disrespect to kneel for an anthem that most don’t even know the history about. Don’t believe me, google it. In addition, I am glad many athletes are using their influence to further this to an escalated positive resolve. Instead of many of them just counting their millions and only thinking of themselves.

Our President is a problem. Now I do not dislike Trump. But he is living, breathing, tweeting PROOF that money makes the world go around. I will not get into the issues with him at this time, I’ll be blogging all day. But NO NO NO, you are Not supposed to be doing 98% of what you are doing! I know Very well the racial issues that have remained in our country and world. But this man is a known vocalist and supporter of many things white supremacist. I just do not understand how ANYONE could be ok with that. Shaking my head… Have we gone back in time?!! This is 2017 people! This man is bringing us ever closer to BOTH World and Civil War again, and talking bad and turning his nose up at even his supporters! And the fact that he gets a single cheer using VERY unbecoming phrases of a U.S. President… No No No. The IQ of our world is so damn low.

A stand AGAINST those who peacefully do not stand, is a DOUBLE STANDARD AND HYPOCRISY against what you THINK the flag, anthem, and country stands for. Period. To gorgeous Villanueva, I understand, I’m also an Army brat, and you have every right to stand just as your teammates have every right to do whatever they choose. I just hope they have opened your mind to understand that it is not disrespect and that your anti-stance and previous statements, feed and back many who are in fact racist and those are the ones you stand with also. Not solely our great soldiers.

I hope the athletes continue to escalate the issue, and I hope that doors begin to open for us of color in the tv/film and other industries. We need more opportunities to make all this the right resolution. There are many many more important things going on in this world that should have our attention and focus. One love ya’ll, Life.

#Thunders2Cents #ThunderRantZ