Every Social App and Site Up To No Good

Pay attention to the signs, people!  If you’ve been having to re-sign up, re-join , re-verify , etc…, it is not by chance, and you are likely experiencing it across many platforms.

Or you may be experiencing odd behavior, in general, with your platforms.  Either way, it’s all the same issues.  #DoYourResearch .  Every single social site and app are up to shady stuff in background, and have updated their privacy policies and/or terms of service agreements.  You might want to read through them.  No Joke.

I’ve been experiencing issues like this ALLLLL Week!  #smh

@youtube , #WhyOHWHY are you making me create a “new” channel?!! I am very worried about clicking on this button, but currently whenever I even so much as click a like I am met with this popping up.  #youtubeproblems #socialnetworkproblems #dobetter