Why are we here?

Simple, to LEARN.

Creation truth aside, we are Currently Here to Learn and to help others Learn.

There is no other truth.

Time to Unconform

time to unconform.

i refuse to re-spell and punctuate, considering all of that structure is most surely wrong.

to break free of the matrix-TRULY, you MUST not do what they have insisted you do.  MUST NOT think how they have told you to think.

there is no simpler solution, than to educate yourself on #TRUEtruths and #awakening and #raisingVibrations and meditation.  each will lead you to rebel the system controlling you, and you will find it easier than assumed to do this and find source love, fullfillment, and wealth.

time to acknowledge spirituality over social status and accomplishments. only ONE of those things can you take with you past this existence whatever you perceive this existence to be.



Oneness, Unconform Punctuating, and Super Powers in THIS lifetime

Thunder’s philosophy of ONE.  Few aspects, anyway.

I find this action to be very silly…: to look for something.  On any scale.

As if lost.

As if misplaced.

Most of you have misplaced “yourself.”

When I wrote that, I know how society says I should punctuate it, but I refuse.

Society has either been misinformed or deliberately misinforms.

If I write what I choose to write without any punctuation, .. If every single thing I say, I say to you is one gigantic run-on sentence, You will still understand and comprehend.

If I spoke another language, it is still within you-the ability to understand without knowing that tongue.

If you have not misplaced yourself, then one would dare say that one knows oneself.

Just as this being “knows” themselves, you too, know me. You too, know all I convey.

Allow me to reduce the riddles.

We are all connected,..

Because we are all a small piece of the same being.




You are capable of anything.  Even superpowers, in THIS existence of your lives.  Because all you would be doing is manipulating another small piece of yourself.

This is literally how superhuman powers work.

Metaphysical Teacher of Teacher’s #DharmaLight #lightUNITE

I am meant to teach ALL light teachers.

My purpose is to further your enlightenment.

Many of you may believe you have learned all the lessons there are to learn.

Many of you may believe there is nothing you can learn from someone who does not even have 3rd density credentials.

I say that you are both wrong, and this is perhaps your greatest lesson.

You will agree that you can often find the most enlightening, beautiful moments and influences toward your purpose, in the most unlikely places.

Why would this also not be true, pertaining to sages of wisdom?

It has always been so, and most hearts of Dharma never become famous or in the lime light to have reached your notice in this density.

Some times you look too high, when you should look at the lower levels of light.

By that I mean, at the “regular” people around you and not around you.

If there is a youtube member with only 5 followers, this youtube member is much more likely to have teachings for YOU, no matter who YOU identify as.

Hearts of Dharma do not seek fame in this density, so you are still under the control mechanisms that shackle your thoughts from acknowledging their wisdom.

I’ll say it again.

Hearts of Dharma do not seek fame

in this density,


you are


under the control mechanisms that shackle your thoughts from acknowledging their wisdom.

If you think you are now ONLY teacher, you have failed.  You should always KNOW, not believe, KNOW you “KNOW” nothing.

You should always KNOW you are always teacher AND student.

If you do not look in the unlikely places for more light, you have NOT achieved complete awakening, and you ARE still very much a slave to the dark you believed you had completely unshackled from.

That one shackle, might make a bevy of difference.

Do not assume or presume to know that there is none wiser than you, that there is none who can teach you without 3rd density accolades, that there is none who can guide you who do not speak with your controlled and contrived languages and controlled and contrived written format.

If you are of light that the #TRUEtruth is that true existence is infinite, then what must you meditate to find the ego/shackle element that limits your mind from learning, even seeking, wisdom of member nobody with 5 friends, 0 degrees, and 2 friends?

You already know that the wisest sages and starseeds of light have more often never indulged or conformed to pop culture practices and peer pressure, and feel they don’t belong there. True detachment from ego means your peers and teachers are


VERY often the appearance of your minds unkept.  True detached peers and teachers often, do not have attachment to their avatar’s appearance in this density.    I say often and not always.  But I also say and emphasize that if you search yourself and find you mostly only listen to or follow a particular look or personality for your learning or entertainment, YOU are shackled. And you must fix that unless you do not seek further growth and ultimate detachment from this matrix.

It is a FACT, if you think there is a proper etiquette pertaining to spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, grammar,….



have stunted your own spiritual growth and potential.

This is NOT exaggeration.

If you believe there has to specific form to information and the universe’s teachings, you are shackled.  Creation is infinite and infinite possibility.

Why do you know there is not a unified language of all beings?

I will repeat the question, because I’d like you to answer it.

Why do you know there is not a unified language of all beings?

If you connected with the light in me, you smiled because you know that was a trick question.

There IS a unified language, and



It HAS no definite form.

Other beings communicate perfectly without having at all the same background of language ability, let alone language. Think about that.

And it’s time for me to gizzo for now to keep these lessonz short and sweet.

Thank you for your acceptance of dharma light.  I am a humble messenger, but please share this with a peer who also needs the seeds that open minds and further ascension.

I can give you the seeds, but it’s up to you to accept and up to you to water the seed.

Outside of the box, means outside of even your own normal way of thinking. If you believe you already think outside the box, YOU are very much comfortable in your box.



Forced Awakening IS coming

For God -the infinite Creators are 1.

And if I may,..

There will soon be a lot of people eating their words, putting both feet in their mouths, retracting previous bashing/statements of adamant disbelief-disregard-dismissiveness.

For those who are so tied into your electronics and tv programming and social networks, pay attention to how many shows and movies etc will now have a theme of apocalyptic-end of the world and survival themes.

Those that get forced to awakening, are still some of the fortunate few.  That means you have time to make things right within yourself, and with those you criticized.  You can not be holy and righteous, without owning up to those you have spurned, if you don’t do it as publicly as you shunned them.  Any other way than of equal initiative and vocalness would not be representative of a genuine change of heart within.

For those who have been attempting to spread truth, you have a step ahead of these other folks, but do not indulge yourself in “I Told You So” scenarios.  There will be no time for that as you too will need to self reflect.  If you want the full truth, dig deeper.  Because those of us who know the bigger picture, know that even we do not know a thing.  Even accessing akashic files, any being does not know all.  And while we all continue to learn, You’l be needed to help guide those behind you to the light of love.

That’s what this whole game of life is about.  Love.  That is the truth.  It’s how it started.  Some people will preach, first there was light.  But pertaining to our creation, every thought of our creator began with the origination of love.