Forced Awakening IS coming

For God -the infinite Creators are 1.

And if I may,..

There will soon be a lot of people eating their words, putting both feet in their mouths, retracting previous bashing/statements of adamant disbelief-disregard-dismissiveness.

For those who are so tied into your electronics and tv programming and social networks, pay attention to how many shows and movies etc will now have a theme of apocalyptic-end of the world and survival themes.

Those that get forced to awakening, are still some of the fortunate few.  That means you have time to make things right within yourself, and with those you criticized.  You can not be holy and righteous, without owning up to those you have spurned, if you don’t do it as publicly as you shunned them.  Any other way than of equal initiative and vocalness would not be representative of a genuine change of heart within.

For those who have been attempting to spread truth, you have a step ahead of these other folks, but do not indulge yourself in “I Told You So” scenarios.  There will be no time for that as you too will need to self reflect.  If you want the full truth, dig deeper.  Because those of us who know the bigger picture, know that even we do not know a thing.  Even accessing akashic files, any being does not know all.  And while we all continue to learn, You’l be needed to help guide those behind you to the light of love.

That’s what this whole game of life is about.  Love.  That is the truth.  It’s how it started.  Some people will preach, first there was light.  But pertaining to our creation, every thought of our creator began with the origination of love.